
“Alphabet Contest”
The gauntlet has been thrown down! I am up for it!

Here is the challenge. I have to write a topic for each letter in the alphabet for my Blog AND I have to finish the 26 topics by …. wait for it --- 31 January 2016.

I would like to write about things that will interest YOU. So please suggest some topic ideas. It can be just one word. i.e. “S” = spurs and I will write my reasons of when to use them and when not. “R” could be Respect.

Or you might like topics about issues that YOU specifically have. I will try to incorporate your topic in the ‘Alphabet Challenge.’ Note any challenges you have with your horse, I will try to provide feedback, comments and ideas within the blog, or later in the Membership platform.

It may be your hopes, fears, dreams or aspirations, techniques, education, information or it could be a topic on what I do (or don’t) use and why.

So, you might only have one suggestion or you might have several for each letter AND a topic for every letter. Go For It! This is YOUR chance.

This survey can be completed in 30 seconds or 3 minutes depending on how many suggestions you have.

I have snuck in some other questions in regard to the new Membership Platform. And THANKS.